Targeted Bedbugs Steam Application Process
The Most Economical and Efficient Treatment
We heat the rooms to between 130-145 degrees for a prolonged period to penetrate furniture and belongings killing 99% of all bugs and eggs. We combine this with Bed Bugs Steamer throughout the remainder of the home to kill any bugs that may not be near the host (Optional)
We Use steamers specifically designed for one purpose and one purpose only: killing bed bugs. effective steaming means having a proper bed bug steamer – a machine that is custom engineered to get this particular job done. Our Bed bugs commercial steam model with a vacuum One of the Non-Chemical methods for killing bed bugs is to apply high temperatures to them.
When done correctly, this can be a “total extermination” process because it can kill not only the adult bed bugs that plague sleepers at night, but also the eggs of these insects. This means that both the current infestation and potential future ones can be eliminated in one visit. full home bed bugs heat treatments are very costly and may not be necessary (Contact us for Detail Info)
Targeted Bedbugs Steam Application Process
In our sanitation process we will vacuum all beds, box springs, couches and chairs.
Our next step in the extermination process will be using professional high temperature bedbugs steam on all beds, box springs, couches, chairs, baseboards, inside dressers and cabinets, nightstands, end-tables, and coffee tables.
We will then begin to spray all the areas listed above with a residual pesticide that is environmentally safe and non-toxic to humans or pets.
Is a High Temperature Bedbugs Steam the Right Treatment for you?
Many time a good bedbugs steam treatment will get rid of bedbugs in a single pass, but sometimes multiple uses are necessary.